Beginner’s introduction to Sparrow

This page provides a small introduction into Sparrow programming language. We expose the basic features that allow users to write traditional programs. The aim is to introduce the basic concepts that users will encounter while programming in Sparrow, without diving into more complex features.

By no means, this presents all the important concepts that a Sparrow programmer should know to be proficient, but it covers the core ones. It is more a tour of the low-level primitives that Sparrow exposes.

Hello, world!

In following computer science tradition, the first example program that is given in a language is the Hello, world! program. In Sparrow, a program that prints the text Hello, world! to the console can be written as:

fun sprMain
    cout << "Hello, world!" << endl

The sprMain function will be called when the program starts.

Similarly to a C++ program, to print something to the console Sparrow uses the insertion operator to put the string into the cout object. This object represents the standard console output. Adding an endl expression at the end causes the program to print a new-line character.

Please note that Sparrow is an indent-based programming language. Although the user can write {, } and ;, those can be inferred from the layout of the code.

Values and expressions

The cout construct can be used to display to the console various values, as shown below:

cout << 1 << endl
cout << -1 << endl
cout << 3.141592 << endl
cout << "square root of 2 is " << 1.41421356237 << endl

The values can also be used in arithmetic expressions:

cout << (2+2) << endl
cout << (12-4) << endl
cout << (2*3.141592 / 180.0) << endl
cout << "square root of 2 is " << Math.sqrt(2) << endl

Here the parentheses are optional, but are added for better readability.

The standard arithmetic operations (+, -, * and /) can be used for numbers (integers, floating point). The standard operators can be overloaded, and moreover, non-standard operators can be defined by the user.

The Math.sqrt(2) is a call to a function defined in the Sparrow standard library that computes the square root of its argument. In Sparrow, functions can be called by following the conventions of most programming languages: funName(args).

A line such as cout << (2+2) << endl is an expression statement. 2+2 is a subexpression, cout and endl are operands, and << is an operator. This is an expression that, instead of producing an useful value, will print something to the console.


An important concept of imperative programming languages is the variable. A variable is an alias to a memory location in which we store values. Here are some examples of defining variables in Sparrow:

var n = 10
var m: Int = 15
var f: Float = 0.3
var greet = "Hello, world!"
var k: Int64
var p1, p2, p3: String

When declaring a variable one needs to supply the name of the new variable (or variables), an optional type, and an optional initial value. It is not possible to have a variable definition that lacks both the type and the initial value. If the variable receives an initial value without a type, the type of the value will be taken from the initializer. If the variable does not have an initial value, the variable will be default constructed (more precisely, the default constructor will be called for the variable); this assures that the variable is initialized.

After definition, the variables can be used in any place in which a value can be used:

cout << "Our greeting: " << greet << endl
cout << m-n << endl
cout << f*n << endl

Moreover, the value of a variable can be changed at any time by calling the assignment operator:

m = 20
k = m-n
p1 = "Our greeting: "
p2 = "Hello"
p3 = ", world!"

Like C++, Sparrow provides a series of operators on integer values. For example:

k = ++m    // m will become 21, and k will become 21 too
k = m++    // m will become 22, and k will get the old value: 21
k -= n     // subtract n from k
n /= 2     // divide n by two

Basic types

In Sparrow, any value, variable, or expression needs to have a well defined type. A type determines the way a value can be encoded in the system’s memory and what operations are valid for that variable.

The standard library defines Int as the main type to be used for storing signed integers; it has 32 bits. For better control, it also defines Int8, UInt8, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64; as their name implies, these cover both signed and unsigned, of sizez 8, 16, 32 and 64 bit. Int and Int32 are aliases.

To represent floating point numbers, the language defines the type Float; this is 64 bit. For better control, the language also defines Float32 and Float64. In this case too, Float is an alias to Float64.

To represent booleans the language defines the Bool type. To represent characters we have the Char type. In Sparrow, strings use UTF-8 encoding, so setting the Char to 8 bits is an obvious choice.

In the most basic form, strings can be represented as a StringRef type. This just refers to the string, but does not hold ownership of the string data. To use a string with ownership of data, one can use the String type. String literals have the type StringRef, but there is an implicit conversion between a StringRef and String.

Sparrow does not allow implicit conversion (called type coercions) between numeric types. However, explicit conversions can be made between any numeric types. With the assumption that most of the times Int will be used for integers and Float for floating-points, having implicit conversions has more downsides than positives.


Sparrow supports references as a method of referring to a memory location. Although Sparrow references resemble C++ references more closely, one can think of them as being pointers.

A reference can be declared in Sparrow using the @ operator applied to a type, as shown in the following example:

var i: Int = 1
var ri: @Int = i       // We need to initialize the reference

cout << ri << endl     // prints 1
i = 22                 // also changes ri
cout << ri << endl     // prints 22
ri = 33                // also changes i
cout << i << endl      // prints 33

As can be seen in this example, having a reference (ri) to a particular value associated with a regular variable (i), any change to the original variable will be reflected in the reference variable, and vice-versa. Otherwise, the reference variable can be used just like a regular variable.

Control structures

Like most imperative programming languages, Sparrow supports control structures like if, while, and for. The structure for if statements is identical to the one in C++:

if n % 2 == 0
    cout << n << " is even" << endl
    cout << n << " is odd" << endl

The while statement is a combination of C++’s while and for statements. In the most basic form, the while statement executes a command (or a list of commands) as long as a condition is true. For example, the following code computes the length of the Collatz sequence that starts with a given number n. A Collatz sequence is a sequence of numbers that, starting with a given number we continuously apply a special transformation to the given number to produce more values, until we reach value 1. The used transformation is the following: if the number is even, divide it by two; otherwise multiply it by three and add 1. For example, the Collatz sequence that starts with the number 13 is: 13, 40, 20, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1. This sequence has the length 10. Here is the code:

var len = 1
while n > 1
    if n % 2 == 0
        n /= 2
        n = n*3 + 1

In Sparrow, we allow adding a step action to a while statement. For example, summing the squares of all natural numbers up to a certain value can be written like this:

var res = 0
while n > 0 ; --n
    res += n*n

Note that this form is somewhat similar to the for instruction from C++. The main difference is that the initialization statement needs to be placed before the while statement, and not inside it.

The for structure from Sparrow is similar to range-based for loops from C++ and other languages. Instead of providing an initialization statement, a condition expression, and a step statement, the user needs to provide a range that can produce values. Here is one example:

var numbers: Int Vector = getNumbers()
for val = numbers.all
    cout << val << endl

The numbers object is a vector of integers. Like all the standard containers it exposes an associated function named all, which returns a range that we can use to iterate over the values in the vector. In our example, val is a variable introduced with the for structure, and will have the type Int.

To iterate over a set of numbers (e.g., from 1 to n), one can use the following code:

for x = 1..n
    cout << x << endl

Here, .. is an operator that generates a range that will yield values between 1 and n (open range). To indicate a closed range, one needs to use three dots (...) instead of two. One can also iterate with a given step:

for x = 1...n ../ 2 // odd numbers in range [1, n]
    cout << x << endl

Here, .., ..., and ../ are all infix operators that act on numbers. We will see that ranges represent an important concept in Sparrow, and there are many other range constructors.

Sparrow does not support the goto statement.

Function definitions

Functions are the main method of abstracting computations. The following example presents a function definition in Sparrow that can compute the n’th Fibonacci number:

fun fib(n: Int): Int
    if n <= 1
        return 1
        return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)  // recursive; not optimal

If the function does not return a value, it can return the Void type, or it can omit the return type completely:

fun greet1(name: String):Void
    cout << "Hello, " << name << endl
fun greet2(name: String)
    cout << "Hello, " << name << endl

If the function does not take any arguments, the arguments list can be omitted:

fun geetTheWorld
    cout << "Hello, world!" << endl

Sometimes, when a function is simple enough the user can define the function with an alternative syntax that puts emphasis on the returned value rather than the actual instructions involved. Here is one example:

fun sum(x, y: Int) = x+y

This has exactly the same semantics as writing the function in a slightly more complicated way:

fun sum(x, y: Int): Int
    return x+y

The functions defined so far can be used as follows:

greet1("Alice");    // prints "Hello, Alice"
greet2("Bob");      // prints "Hello, Bob"
greetTheWorld();    // prints "Hello, world!"
greetTheWorld;      // parenthesis can be omitted here
cout << sum(2, 4) << endl;  // prints 6

The reader should note that if a function does not take any parameters the parentheses can be omitted when calling the function. This provides an interesting property of the language in that we can use function and variable names interchangeably, without changing the code that uses the variable/function.

So far, we have shown function definitions that operate on concrete data types. In addition to those, the Sparrow programming language allows definitions of generic functions that have parameters of concept types. For example, the previously defined sum function can work on all numeric types, not just on values of type Int. The following function definition is able to work on all numeric types:

fun sum(x, y: Numeric) = x+y;

The Numeric name refers to a concept defined in the standard library that accepts any numeric type (e.g., Int, UInt64, Float).

There is a special concept in Sparrow called AnyType that is compatible with any type. Here is an example of a function that prints to the console the value given as parameter:

fun writeLn(x: AnyType)
    cout << x << endl

writeLn(10);                    // prints an Int value
writeLn(3.14);                  // prints a Float value
writeLn("Pretty cool, huh?");   // prints a StringRef value

Both the sum function above and this writeLn function are generics, template functions, just like C++ template functions. This means, that the compiler will actually generate three writeLn functions for the three instantiations shown here: one with a Int parameter, one with a Float parameter, and one with a StringRef parameter. All these three functions will be compiled independently of each other.

In cases where all parameters are AnyType, the parentheses and the type specifications can be omitted:

fun writeLn x
    cout << x << endl
fun sum x, y = x+y;

As can be seen from the definition of the sum function, this form can be very compact.

A function is not just a definition that can be invoked directly; we can store a function in an variable. This allows us to separate the binding of the function name from the actual function call. Here is one example, in which we pass a function as a parameter to another function:

fun applyFun(n: Int, f: AnyType)
    for x = 0..n
        cout << f(x) << ' ' << endl;
fun mul2(x: Int) = 2*x;
fun sqr(x: Int) = x*x;

var f = \mul2;      // type: FunctionPtr(Int, Int)
applyFun(10, f);    // 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
f = \sqr;
applyFun(10, f);    // 0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81

At line 8 we create a variable and initialize it with a reference to the mul2 function. To take the reference of a function, Sparrow uses the backslash operator. The type of this function will be FunctionPtr(Int, Int) (a function that returns an Int and takes one Int as parameter). This variable can then be passed as the second argument to the applyFun function. Note that instead of using AnyType for the second parameter we could have used FunctionPtr(Int, Int).

We could have passed the function references directly to the function call, but we wanted to show that we can store function references in variables, just like any other values.

There is an easier method of achieving the same result, without defining the mul2 and pow function prior to the call to applyFun. Instead, we could have used lambda functions (or anonymous functions):

applyFun(10, (fun x = 2*x));    // 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
applyFun(10, (fun x = x*x));    // 0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81

The form (fun ...) does the following: creates a function-like structure that can be called with the written computation, and then instantiates this functor to produce an object that can be called under the specified conditions. Note that this object is of an unspecified type, and cannot be placed inside a FunctionPtr(Int, Int).

This expression can become a closure if it refers to variables declared in the scope in which it is used. In Sparrow, one needs to explicitly declare all the variables that are used by the closure. For example, if we generate the first lambda function to parameterize the factor we are multiplying with, we can write:

var k = 2;
applyFun(10, (fun.{k} x = k*x));    // 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
k = 3;
applyFun(10, (fun.{k} x = k*x));    // 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27


Like in most programming languages, there are three types of operators in Sparrow, depending on the placement of the operator relative to its argument(s): prefix, infix and postfix. Prefix and postfix operators are unary, whereas infix operators are binary. An operator can be either a set of symbols or a regular function name. Moreover, Sparrow does not limit the names of operators formed by symbols to a fixed set (like C++ for example).

Here are some basic examples of operators in Sparrow:

-10             // '-' is a prefix operator
--k;            // prefix operator
k++;            // postfix operator
a + b * c;      // '+' and '*' are infix operators
a + -b * c;     // '+' and '*' are infix operators, '-' is prefix

Defining an operator is very similar to defining a function. Here is an example of defining an operator to raise a number to an integer power:

fun **(x: Float, p: Int): Float
    var res = 1.0
    for i = 0..p
        res *= x
    return res

cout << (3 ** 2) << endl       // 9.0
cout << (3.2 ** 2) << endl     // 10.24

Defining unary operators is as easy as defining infix operators; we just need to specify whether we need prefix or postfix operators:

fun pre_**(x: @Int): @Int
    x = x*x
    return x
fun post_**(x: @Int): Int
    var old = x
    x = x*x
    return old

var a, b = 5
cout << **a << endl    // writes 25, a becomes 25
cout << (b**) << endl  // writes 5, b becomes 25

If the pre_ and post_ prefixes are missing, then the operators can be used as both prefix and postfix operators.

Note that for prefix operators the parentheses are not needed, whereas for the postfix operators they are. In both cases, the first occurrence of << needs to be an infix operator; after it we can have a primary expression or a prefixed primary expression. In the first case, it is clear to the compiler that we have a prefix operator (because ** cannot be an operand), while in the second case the compiler will treat b as the second operand of <<, and ** as the next infix operator.

In general, in an expression that is separated by spaces, the terms on the even positions are infix operators and the terms on the odd positions are operands. This rule changes if an operand has one or more prefix operators applied to it, in which case we collapse the prefix operators first. If the expression has an even number of terms, the last term is a postfix call. Here is an example:

a + - - b * c !!!

In this expression, - - b will be treated as one operand, + and * as infix operators, while !!! will be treated as a postfix operator.

Beside operators that are formed by symbols, Sparrow allows operators to have alphanumeric names. For example, the pow and sqr functions previously defined can be used in the following way:

2 pow 3            // 8
2 sqr              // 4
`sqr` 3            // 9
2 pow 3 sqr        // 64 = (2^3)^2

Note that, in order to distinguish prefix name operators from name operands, Sparrow requires the placement of these prefix operator names in backquotes.

This is an important feature of Sparrow that allows writing concise programs, without losing performance.


In Sparrow, a range is a collection (not necessarily finite) of elements that can be iterated through in an well-defined order. From an implementation point of view, ranges need to support three operations: is the range empty?, get the current value, and move to the next value. With these three operations one can extract all the values from the range.

We have already seen that 1..n is a range. This is a range which will produce Int values starting from 1 and ending with n (without actually yielding n).

All the standard containers provide associated functions for accessing their values through ranges. In addition, Sparrow provides methods of generating ranges. Here are some of them:

repeat(13)             // infinite range with value 13
repeat(13, 5)          // 13 repeated 5 times
generate( (fun = 13) ) // infinite range with value 13
generate(\getNextRand) // infinite range with values of getNextRand
generate1(2, (fun x = x*x))    // 2, 4, 16, 256, ...

In addition to those, there are a lot of functions that apply transformations to existing ranges. The most common is the map operation. It applies a functor to the given range to produce a new range:

1..10 map (fun x=x*x)  // 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81
1..10 map (fun x=x/2)  // 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4
1..5 map (fun x=repeat(2*x, x)) // range of ranges:
                                // (2), (4,4), (6,6,6), (8,8,8,8),
                                // (10,10,10,10,10)

Another important range operation is filter. It skips elements in the input range if they do not satisfy a predicate:

1..10 filter (fun x = x%2==1)  // 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
1..10 filter (fun x = x<5)     // 1, 2, 3, 4

Here are some examples of other range functions:

(1..) take 5                   // 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(1..) takeWhile (fun x=x<=5)   // 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(1...3) ++ (10...12)           // 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12
(1...3 cycle) take 8           // 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2

To illustrate the power of ranges we would like to solve the following problem: the sum of the first 10 Fibonacci numbers that are greater than a given number. Here is the Sparrow solution using ranges:

var res = (1..) map \fib filter (fun.{n} x = x>n) take 10 sum

Our solution is simple, and yet efficient. One can easily check that this solution does what it is supposed to. Starting from the range of natural numbers, we map them to Fibonacci numbers, we take only the values that are greater than the given n, we get the first 10 such elements, and finally we sum them.

All the ranges, including .., are simple functions defined in standard library. That means, that the user can implement new types of ranges easily.

Data types and object-oriented programming

Sparrow does not support Object-Oriented-Programming (OOP). We believe that the benefits that OOP provides does not justify the complexity added to the language. Moreover, using OOP tends to produce suboptimal designs. So what to use instead?

Most of the benefits of OOP can be achieved using packages and simply grouping data and code together (a notable exception to this is subtype polymorphisms). Let us take an example:

datatype MyItem
    id: Int
    name: String
    description: String
    _borrower: String

fun ctor(this: @MyItem, id: Int, name, description: String) ctor id ctor name
    this.description ctor description
fun dtor(this: @MyItem)
    cout << "Destroying item " << id
fun borrowTo(this: @MyItem, borrower: String)
    _borrower = borrower
fun restore(this: @MyItem)
    _borrower = ""
fun isAvailable(this: @MyItem) = _borrower.empty
fun borrowerName(this: @MyItem) = _borrower

Similar to a C struct, Sparrow uses datatype declarations to define data structure. This allows the user to add more data types to be used along the primitive types. Unlike the OOP languages (C++, Java, C#, etc.), Sparrow does not allow functions to be placed inside datatypes. But, just as well they can be placed after the data type. Please note that, our functions have a parameter named this that allows the body of the functions to use fields from the datatype directly.

The usage of this datatype and its associated functions is straightforward:

var item = MyItem(1, "pen", "a nice, blue color pen")
if !item.isAvaiable
    cout << " Item" <<
    cout << " is lent to " << item.borrowerName << endl

We can define a variable of the new type, and then we can access the fields of the datatype, using the . syntax; in our case, we accessed the name field. What is somehow surprising is that we can access functions defined near the datatype the same way we access fields. It looks extremely similar to other OOP languages.

The way the functions are defined, we can also use the traditional function call notation:

borrowTo(item, "Alice")

Furthermore, we can write this code using operator notation (see above):

item borrowTo "Alice"
if !(item isAvaiable)
    cout << " Item" << (item name)
    cout << " is lent to " << (item borrowerName) << endl

Accessing data from the data structure is done using the . syntax; in this example, we accessed the name part.

What is worth mentioning about datatypes is the two special associated functions: ctor and dtor. A ctor (constructor) is a function responsible for creating a valid instance of the given type. The this object passed to this function is uninitialized, and the function promises to create a valid, initialized object. Conversely, the dtor (destructor) associated function is responsible for all the actions needed for cleaning up the object before the object is completely destroyed. A destructor main purpose is to release any resources (e.g., memory) that the object may hold.

In our example we defined a constructor that creates an object with the given id, name, and description. A default constructor is one that takes no parameters, and initializes the object with some default state. By default, if no default constructor is provided, the language will generate one. The same applies for a copy constructor (a constructor that can create an object by copying the data from another object of the same type). Like in the case of constructors, if the user doesn’t supply a destructor, the language will automatically create one, by calling the destructors for all the data members.

Sparrow follows the C++ tradition and expects manual memory management; it does not provide garbage collection. In such a language, constructors and destructors pay a very important role.

Just like functions, datatypes can be generics as well. While a regular datatype does not take any parameters, any datatype that has parameters is a generic. Here is an example of a datatype generic:

datatype Pair(t1, t2: Type)
    first: t1
    second: t2

In this example we defined a datatype parameterized by two types. We used the given parameters for the types of our two fields: first and second.

All the parameters to a datatype need to be compile-time. For example, a datatype cannot have an Int parameters, but can have an Int ct parameter. To be able to use this generic, one needs to instantiate it; this is the process that transforms a datatype generic into a proper datatype. Datatype instantiation is just like function application:

var p1: Pair(Int, Float32)             // call default constructor
var p2 = Pair(Int, Float)(1, 3.14)  // call initialization constructor
p1.first = 10
p1.second = 2.34
cout << "(" << p2.first << ", " << p2.second << ")" << endl

On the first line we are telling the compiler that t1 is Int and t2 is Float, and we ask it to instantiate a Pair with these two types. This is not a constructor call, it’s a generic instantiation.

On the second line, we ask the compiler to generate another type, one that is parameterized with valued Int and Float32. But this, time, after specifying the parameter values for the generic, we are specifying arguments for a constructor call (1 and 3.14).

In our case, we haven’t manually created a constructor associated with our generic datatype. But, we specified the [initCtor] modifier. This will tell the compiler to generate a constructor withe the right number of parameters to initialize all the fields.

Standard library

Sparrow provides a minimal standard library that provides the user with the basic abstractions for writing programs. The Sparrow standard library was influenced to some degree by the C++ standard library.

One of the most important abstractions in a standard library are the containers. Sparrow provides the following general-purpose containers: * Vector - a dynamic size array, holds the elements contiguously in memory * List - a generic double-linked list that allows constant time insertion and removal in any place of the container * Set - associative containers that ensures that objects are uniquely stored in the set; the search, insertion, and removal operations have average constant-time complexity; implemented using hash tables * Map - provides a mapping from a set of keys to a set of values; the search, insertion, and removal operations have average constant-time complexity; implemented using hash tables

The containers are implemented as generic datatypes. Any container has an associated function called all that returns a range of the elements in the container. They all provide functions for accessing elements, inserting, and removing elements from the container. Example:

var v: Vector(Int) = 0..100  // vector of integers
for x = v.all                // iterate over all elements
    cout << x << endl
v(0) = 12                    // change the first element
v.pushBack(42)               // append at the end of the vector
v.subrange(5, 10) sort       // sort 10 el. starting at index 5
v.insertBefore(0..10, v.all) // insert 10 numbers at start
v.remove(v.subrange(3, 12))  // remove 12 elements

Following C++ STL principles the algorithms that operate on data are separated from the containers holding the data. Unlike C++ which uses iterators as a bridge between containers and algorithms, Sparrow uses ranges. Here is a short example:

var v: Int Vector = 0..100     // use postfix operator notation
var l: Int List = 0..100
replace(v.all, 10, 110)
replace(l.all, 10, 110)
(v.all find 50) size           // range starting with 50 -> size
(l.all find 50) size
v.all map \fib sum
l.all filter (fun x = x%10 < 5) maxElement
v.all copy l.all               // copy list elements into vector elements

Beside containers, ranges, and algorithms, the Sparrow standard library also provides utilities, such as: strings, pointers (raw, scoped, shared), memory allocation, pairs, optionals, bitsets, math functions, etc.