
Modifiers allow changing the semantic of Sparrow constructs.


datatype MyType
    a: Int
    b: Bool

var x = MyType(13, true)

The initCtor is a modifier that makes the MyType datatype to have an initialization constructor for the two variables.


Mods            = '[' Expr { ',' Expr } ']' ;

Stmts           = { Stmt } ;
Stmt            = [Mods] ImportLine
                  | [Mods] UsingDecl
                  | [Mods] PackageDecl
                  | [Mods] DatatypeDecl
                  | [Mods] ConceptDecl
                  | [Mods] VarDecl
                  | [Mods] FunDecl
                  | [Mods] ExprStmt
                  | [Mods] BlockStmt
                  | [Mods] IfStmt
                  | [Mods] ForStmt
                  | [Mods] WhileStmt
                  | [Mods] BreakStmt
                  | [Mods] ContinueStmt
                  | [Mods] ReturnStmt

Predefined modifiers

public modifier

Applies to
all declarations
Marks the declaration as being public. A public declaration can be accessed from any module.
Access modes

protected modifier

Applies to
all declarations
Marks the declaration as being protected. A protected declaration can be accessed from any module, but it will not be considered in using clauses without explicit names.
Access modes

private modifier

Applies to
all declarations
Marks the declaration as being private. A private declaration can be accessed only from the current module.
Access modes

ct modifier

Applies to
all declarations, if statements, while statements, for statements

Marks the declaration or statement to be executed at compile-time. A ct declaration will not have a runtime counterpart. A ct statement will be executed at compile-time; used in specializing code or code generation.


[ct] fun addRef(t: Type): Type // function is available only at compile-time

if sizeOf(t) <= sizeOf(Int32)
    var storage: Int32
    var storage: Int64
// Depending on the size of 't', this will create different 'storage' variables

for x = 1..5
// Will generate the following code:
//      doStuff(1)
//      doStuff(2)
//      doStuff(3)
//      doStuff(4)

rt modifier

Applies to
all declarations
Ensures the declaration has meaning both at run-time and at compile-time. The default behavior. Can be used in [ct] environments to go back to default [rt] environments

autoCt modifier

Applies to

If the function is called with only with compile-time arguments, the function will be compile-time; otherwise it will be run-time.


[autoCt] fun printVals(x, y: Int)
    cout << x << ' ' << y << '\n'

var six = 6
var seven = 7

printVals(6, 7)         // prints '6 7' at compile-time
printVals(six, 7)       // prints '6 7' at run-time
printVals(six, seven)   // prints '6 7' at run-time

ctGeneric modifier

Applies to

Marks the function as being both a compile-time function and a generic function.

A regular function (non-[ct]) that has compile-time parameters will be a generic; it can change the semantics of its body based on the compile-time parameters, and has run-time presence. On the other hand, a function marked as [ct] is not a generic; it doesn’t have any run-time presence and it cannot change the semantics of its body based on the parameters.

A [ctGeneric] function is a combination of both: it’s a compile-time function (no run-time presence) but has a different code generated for each set of parameters.

convert modifier

Applies to
ctor functions and datatypes

Used to indicate that a datatype can be implicitly converted from other types through constructors marked as [convert]. To convert a value from a type A to a type B implicitly, the following conditions must be met:

  • the B datatype must be declared as [convert]
  • B needs to have a constructor marked as [convert] that can construct a B from values of type A

noDefault modifier

Applies to
datatypes, ctor and dtor functions
When applied to datatypes, it tells the compiler not to generate default functions for the datatype. When applied to constructors and desructors, it tells the compiler not to try to inject constructor/destructor calls for the members of the datatype.

initCtor modifier

Applies to

It instructs the compiler to generate an extra constructor to initialize all the members of the datatype.

When generating the initialized constructor, the following are applied:

  • the initialization constructor will have a parameter for each field of the datatype
  • the order of parameters in the initialization constructor will be the same as the oder in which the corresponding fields are declared in the datatype
  • if the field of the datatype has an initializer, the corresponding parameters will have the same initializer

bitcopiable modifier

Applies to

It instructs the compiler that the given datatype can be safely copied bitwise (i.e., with memcpy). The copy constructor will be elided whenever possible.

Also, functions returning bitcopiable will not take the location in which the resulting value needs to be placed by (hidden) reference.

For example, a Vector applied to a bitcopiable type can avoid calling the copy constructor of the elements whenever resizing the data.

The basic numeric types are all bitcopiable.

autoBitcopiable modifier

Applies to

Instructs the compiler to detect whether the datatype can be bitcopiable or not. A datatype with [autoBitcopiable] modifier applied will become bitcopiable if all the fields are also bitcopiable; if at least one of the fields is not bitcopiable then the datatype will not be bitcopiable.

It is used for datatypes like Tuple to automatically become bitcopiable base on the field types.

macro modifier

Applies to

When making calls to the function, it will pass the raw AST (abstract syntax tree) nodes to the functions, without even compiling them. Used for manipulating the source code.

Example: assert uses macros to extract the variables out of the given condition, to be able to print them whenever the assertion fails.

noInline modifier

Applies to
Prevents the compiler from inlining the function.

native modifier

Applies to
functions, datatypes
native( stringLiteral )

Assigns the specified name to the given function/datatype. It does not apply any name mangling rules when generating the assembly name.

Native datatypes are used to map types defined in the standard library onto machine types. I.e., [native("i32")] datatype Int is mapping the type Int to a signed 32-bit machine type.

Functions that are declared native would not change their return type (non-bitcopiable return types are typically transformed into hidden pointer parameters).

Typically used when interacting with other libraries.

User-defined modifiers

TODO: not yet implemented